
Seven Star Enterprises Equipments

Cake & Pastry Display Counter

Product Specifications

Voltage(V/Hz) : 220/50
Cabinet Temp : 0~10 C
Cooling Type : Air Cooling
Refrigerent : Depend on compressor
Compressor Brand : kirloskar/Tecumseh/Danfoss
Other Discription : Corian & Without Corian,Curve/Straight Glass

Seven Star Enterprises is a Leading Cake & Pastry Display Counter manufacturers, supplier in India , We offering Cake & Pastry Display Counter at Best Price in India . The offered Cake & Pastry Display Counter in India is valued by our patrons for their quality. The complete range of Cake & Pastry Display Counter is having export quality supplying in India which is manufactured by using modern techniques under the observation of skilled professionals. The offered Cake & Pastry Display Counter in India , is checked on various parameters by our quality controllers. We are also distributor and exporter of Cake & Pastry Display Counter in India

Cake & Pastry Display Counter Manufacturers & Suppliers in India , Supplying bulk Cake & Pastry Display Counter at Best Price in India , Get quality Cake & Pastry Display Counter in India . We are equipped with robust infrastructure that help us manufacture and develop high quality Cake & Pastry Display Counter in Indiacompliance with the market standards. Our products are made using durable and robust component that improved the functional efficiency of the Commercial Kitchen Equipment. Our infrastructure facilities includes manufacturing, quality testint, warehouse, and sales & distribution Channel. These Channel are handled by professionals having extensive experience and expertise in Indiaprovide end-to-end solutions to the customers at competitive price.
